Sunday, June 28, 2009

POD 06.27.09

A beautiful day in Saint Jean de, the town's port.

POD 06.26.09

Espadrilles. So many espadrilles.

POD 06.25.09

The garden, as seen from my grandparents' living room.

POD 06.24.09

Yum. I ate so much cheese at Mima + Pillin's house....sooooo good.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

POD 06.22.09

Not much needs to be said.....

POD 06.21.09

The start of summer meant the death of this fat bumble bee in my bedroom. I ran a makeshift bee hospice and left the dying bee on some flowers I had...he lasted about 12 more hours. I can't believe I actually got attached to him.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

POD 06.20.09

Bubbles in my sink...I thought these soap bubbles were pretty cool. Like mini Eden Projects in a bowl of water.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

*guest* POD 06.16.09

Thank you Anna Maria for this lovely shot of an ice cream truck. I find the music coming from these things to be particularly creepy...but WHAT are they trying to say with that slogan?

POD 06.15.09

Not only do they start construction at 8am Monday-Saturday in my 'backyard', but they have also started leaving the lights on all night.

Monday, June 15, 2009

POD 06.14.09

oh, coconut + pineapple deliciousness!!!

POD 06.13.09

Another sunny Saturday in London...I never thought my shorts would get this much sun exposure!!!

POD 06.12.09

Cloudy days call for a nice pint of Guinness at lunch! So Bri'ish!

Friday, June 12, 2009

POD 06.11.09

I fell and scraped my knee pretty badly--and the game hadn't even started yet.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

POD 06.10.09

Saw this on the road between home and work...seems to fit my mood these days.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

POD 06.09.09

My baby girl, Riley, is sick with a heart condition. Her owner just emailed me to let me know. I hope she is ok, at least for a little while longer, because she brings happiness to a lot of people.

POD 06.08.09


Sunday, June 7, 2009

POD 06.07.09

Ok, so I took a break for a week. I'm back though, and to celebrate, my first batch of red velvet cupcakes. Oh yes! For Georgia.